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திங்கள், 7 அக்டோபர், 2013

THE LIFE OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMED! Khulafa-Ur-Rashideen (Poems)

நான் பணிபுரியும் வெலிகம ஸலாஹியா சர்வதேசப் பாடசாலையின் கணக்காளர் திரு. முஹம்மது முஜீப் ஆங்கிலத்தில் (இஸ்லாம் சார்ந்த) இரண்டு கவிதைகளை எழுதியிருந்தார்.

நல்ல ஆற்றொழுக்குடன் கூடிய அந்த இரண்டு கவிதைகளையும் நான் என் தளத்தில் பதிவேற்றி அவருக்கு கொலுகொம்பாக நிற்க விரும்பி, அவற்றை கேட்டேன்.

அவரும் பெருவிருப்புடன் அந்தக் கவிதைகளை என் தளத்தில் தரவேற்றத் தந்தார்.

இரண்டு கவிதைகளும் கீழே களம் காண்கின்றன. (முதலாவது கவிதைதான் அவரது கன்னிக் கவிதை)

'கவித்தீபம் கலைமகன் பைரூஸ்
07/10/2013 10:01

Composed by: Muhammed Mujeeb

Every night and every day //
Never forget  to say Laa Ilaaha Illallaah
Laa Ilaaha Illallaah Muhammedur Rasoolullaah.
Our beloved Prophet  Muhammed (S.......A......W......)
Was born in the Holy City of  Makkah
His  father Abdullaah //
Died before his birth //
He lost his mother Aaminaa
At  the age of barely  six
He became orphan and //
Then his close relatives  brought him up //                                   
                                                                                                      (Every night.................................)
When he was twenty-five years old
He got married to Lady Khadeeja
And  set  a good example //
To all the mankind //
At  the age of forty
He attained the Prophethood
Through the Angel  Jibraeel  //
Alaihis Salaathu Wassalaam //
                                                                                                       (Every night....................................)
When he was fifty-two years old
He undertook ascension  to heaven
And  brought  five times prayer //
As  a gift from Allah //
At  the age of fifty-three
He migrated to the Holy City of Medina,
Built  Masjidhun Nabawi there //
and made it the Centre of  Da’wa //
                                                                                                         (Every night....................................)
During  his twenty-three years  of Da’wa
Many non-muslims embraced Islam
Without  any hesitation //
Amidst opposition from their families //
At the age of sixty-three
He died in the Holy City of MedinaEntrusting noble task of Da’wa //
To the Ummath-e-Muhammadiyya //

                                                                                                           (Every night...................................)

(2) Khulafa-Ur-Rashideen

Aboobucker, Umer, Usman and Ali (Rali..........)
Who were the four Khalifas of Islam
Sacrificed their wealth and lives
In the path of  Allah   //

Aboobucker was father of Ayesha (Rali.........) //
He was called Siddique //
He was the first Sahabi to embrace Islam
He stayed with Prophet in the cave of Sowr
On the way to Medina //

Umer  was the father of  Hafsa (Rali........)
He accepted the religion of  Islam
Suddenly hearing the voice of the Quran
Recited by his sister  //

Usman was the son of Affan //
He married Rukaiya and Ummu Qulzoom (Rali.........) //
Who were the daughters  of  Prophet  (S.A.W.)
He spent all his wealth for the sake of  Islam 
And received glad tidings for paradise //

Ali was the son of  Abu Thalib
He who was the husband of  Queen of  Paradise
Embraced the religion of  Islam
During his childhood //

                                                     (Aboobucker, Umer.............)

Composed by:  Muhammed Mujeeb

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